On Sun, 03 Feb 2013 18:38:20 -0600, F. George McDuffee
Post by F. George McDuffeeOn Sun, 03 Feb 2013 13:06:02 -0800, Gunner
Post by GunnerSo nuke em all as a failed and dangerous experiment and when its all
dead...burn it flat and start over.
Nothing else is going to work. Like the War on Drugs..its cost
gazillions of dollars and simply hasnt worked in the slightest.
Assuming this is not a colossal troll, and from your claimed
ethnic background it may well be, a holocaust or shoah type
solution, while possibly effective in the short term,
neglecting the critical ethical and moral implications, is
futile in the long term ==>if the root causes are not
This will no more "solve" the problem than spraying for
mosquitoes "solves" that problem, in other than the shortest
term, if the piles of old tires and other pools of
standing/stagnate water are not eliminated.
In order to eliminate the *ROOT* causes (so we don't have to
fix the same problems again and again), these must first be
While some of the immediate/proximate "causes," such as no
economic opportunity, no effective education, etc., can and
have been identified, it appears there has been little or no
work done to identify why rent seeking, political
corruption, judicial corruption, tax evasion, ballot box
stuffing, etc. (which promote these conditions) exist in
significant and increasing amounts and is tolerated (even
encouraged) in some areas but not in others. Until the root
causes are addressed, as indicated by costly experience,
pouring money into "education," economic development, etc.
is p*****g into the wind.
While the repressive measures I suggested will be palliative
for a little while, unless these are immediately followed up
by (unknown) remedial actions, things will rapidly return to
the festering normal as new trouble makers, bad actors, and
gangbangers will quickly replace the ones "flushed out."
It may well be that some type of matched residency/occupancy
permit system in the large urban areas, based on verified
gainful employment, is required to prevent the concentration
and synergistic action [e.g. bloc voting] of large numbers
of marginal and marginalized people. I hope not, but the
current system of domiciling the marginal and indigent in
some of the nation's highest living cost/highest population
density areas, with noxious and toxic results as reported
daily, is insane.
Dr...I wasnt spoofing or trolling. I was speaking the truth. We both
know it...no matter how unpalatable it is to all of us. And Im NOT a
white guy with a hatred for blacks. Im not even "white"
If you look at the statistics at the DOJ website and the FBI
website..you will find that that 13% of our population commits far far
more than 75% of our homicides and many other serious crimes.
In fact..if you remove all crime from the stats committed by that
minority..our crime rate would be one fo the lowest of the 1st world
powers. Remove the hispanic crime rate..and we fall way way down the
list. Our homicide rates would be within a point or two of the UK, in
Of the interracial violent crimes committed each year, 85% are
committed by blacks and 15% by whites. Yet blacks are only 13% of our
Read the comments at the end of the article....
"Blacks commit 2.25 times more officially recognized hate crimes than
white people do.
Blacks are 39 times more likely to murder a white person than a white
person is to murder a black person.
As of 2008, Hispanics are 7.6 times more likely to be convicted of a
crime than white people, black people 5.5 times more likely, Asians
2.4 times more likely and Native Americans 1.4 times more likely.
All the above is taken from official DOJ statistics. I don't know why
all this is true, and I don't think anyone else does either. But that
it is, in fact, true is beyond doubt."
"I've not seen statistics spun like this in a long time. Of course
most crimes against white people are going to be perpetrated by other
white people. Like you said, people are still somewhat segregated
along racial lines. The vast majority of victims are going to be
someone the perpetrator knows or is geographically close to. Thus, the
likelihood is that crimes will generally be intra-racial.
Your own statistics damn your argument, if they're examined closely.
Blacks are murdered 6 times more often than whites. That's because
they live around other black people who kill them. Blacks are
convicted of murder 7 times more than whites because they are
committing several times as many murders. 6 times as many among their
own race and vastly more, inter-racially. In fact, blacks actually are
found guilty LESS often than whites, per case. They just commit so
many violent crimes they are bound to constitute a larger number of
convictions, overall.
The average IQ of people has nothing to do with education, income, or
jobs. IQ is genetic and intelligence is not the same as education or
knowledge, even though many people refuse to understand the
difference. Granted, damage can be done to a child's brain through
neglect, malnutrition, drug use (including in-utero, by the mother),
etc. The reason black IQ is slowly rising is because blacks are more
and more white, due to inter-racial reproduction. The average black
person in the US is already about 30% white, and this percentage is
growing. People who only appear black, but are mostly of other races
are included among "blacks" and are raising the averages, e.g. Tiger
Woods, Barak Obama, etc. Hopefully, you can understand that the
statistics DO indicate that, yes, white people are smarter than black
people, contrary to the completely unfounded statement above. The
average IQ among whites is 100, American blacks 87, and the purer
African blacks 70. 100>87 (or 70), if I remember my elementary school
arithmetic correctly. The "no black-white gap outside the US" is a
blatant lie perpetrated by politically-correct pseudo-scientific spin
doctors with a preconceived socio-political agenda, by the way.
You repeatedly blame poverty for all the other negative social
categories containing a disproportionately high number of blacks, but
you are wrongly assuming cause and effect, by doing this. If the
average person of a group is borderline retarded, exactly how wealthy
do you expect them to become? In reality, the rare black people who
are above-average and exceptional are hyper-rewarded for their
abilities. Companies fall all over themselves to seek out and hire
capable blacks into the highest positions possible, as a demonstration
of their "diversity" and political correctness.
How long is this myth that white society is "always try'na keep a
brotha down" going to flourish? We have a "black" president, even
though calling him "black" is like calling a chess board "black". The
current social environment is such that white people are horrified of
being perceived as "racist", even though the definition of "racist"
has been radically changed to mean something it never meant. "Racist"
means a belief in inherent superiority or inferiority because of race.
Neither hatred nor oppression are part of the original, intended
Pointing out that 10% of the population is "only" half the prison
population and welfare state only fools stupid people who don't
understand how those statistics correlate: If 10% of the people are
50% of the problem, that means they are 5 times more likely to be a
The case of "they've been oppressed all this time" is a specious
argument. A technologically-advanced race of people (e.g. Europeans or
Egyptians) travels via technologically-advanced vehicles to find a
barbaric race of people, basically living like animals and assumes
them to be an inferior life form (like horses, dogs, oxen, etc. that
are already bread and used for labor) and so they take them as
property as they would any other type of livestock. When a relatively
new society is so far advanced (superior weapons, armor,
transportation, communication, government, science, mathematics, etc.)
that they can just walk a relative few into the midst of an entire
continent of another, more ancient society and just take whatever they
want, it would seem to support the theory of superiority/inferiority
of the aggressors. It is especially enlightening, knowing the warlike,
aggressive nature of African history to realize if the Africans were
intellectually equal to the other races, they would have at least
invented high-tech weapons and defenses. They hadn't and the
individual nations and villages were still fighting with clubs and
spears, while Egyptians came in with chariots, bronze armor and
swords, and battle strategies. Thousands of years later, Europeans
came with canons, intercontinental ships, steel weapons and armor, and
very advanced tactics. The Africans were still pretty much in
loincloths, wielding sticks. The opinion, then, was still that the
Africans were an inferior life form, which would be morally-acceptable
to use as livestock. Please keep in mind, I am in no way endorsing
enslaving or oppressing any people just because it's possible; I'm
merely stating the fact that blacks are not stupid because they've
been victimized, but victimized because they're stupid. Once again,
that doesn't make it right and nobody defends a rapist because the
woman is weaker or a mugger who steals a blind man's wallet.
Your entire argument denies reality and turns cause/effect on its ear.
You claim blacks are criminals and have low IQs because of poverty and
that they are in poverty because of racism and a history of slavery.
Well, the majority of voters elected a black man as President (per my
previous point of American whites basically kissing the collective
butts of the black community), so your theory of discrimination
doesn't wash. If you really care about the true cause and effect,
you'll understand blacks were easily conquered and enslaved because
they're inherently intellectually inferior. They are poor because
they're inherently intellectually inferior. They are criminals (often
violent) because they're inherently intellectually inferior. They are
globally seen as a lesser race because they are considered to be
inherently intellectually inferior, violent criminals, only fit for
manual labor (generally). The same things can be said of stupid people
of any race (or other demographic), in general. That having been said,
obviously, intelligent, capable, productive, valuable black members of
the community need to be rewarded for their contributions to our
society and not punished for the misdeeds or negative genetic
predispositions of their distant relatives.
All this may be a very distasteful pill to swallow, but when one
denies the facts of a problem, it's impossible to ever fix it, because
all the wrong things are being done to rectify the situation. If one
is truly interested in alleviating this dire situation, one must
embrace the reality, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be, and
address the real issues, rather than make false excuses and randomly
pointing fingers at red herrings.
Midgets, as a group, do not make good basketball players. If we all
decide the reason is because they're wearing the wrong shoes, then
wrack our brains trying to come up with the right shoes, we'll be
living in a fantasy world that will never accomplish its goal. The
black community and the cowed, PC white community who are so fearful
of being labeled "racist" for acknowledging anything negative about
blacks (regardless of how true the thing might be) need to stop
blindly accepting myths and propaganda, then start addressing the real
problems and potential real solutions. "
Shrug...we have a problem in this country....a serious one. Chicago is
a perfect example of it.
I dont have a clue how to correct it. But..its one that Leftwing
society allowed to develop. Starting with LBJs "Great Society"
And its fucking heartbreaking to watch for so many years.
Particularly since I marched WITH Dr King.
The methodology of the left has always been:
1. Lie
2. Repeat the lie as many times as possible
3. Have as many people repeat the lie as often as possible
4. Eventually, the uninformed believe the lie
5. The lie will then be made into some form oflaw
6. Then everyone must conform to the lie